Keep the Tall Ship fun going all Winter long, AND learn a thing or two!
Don't wait until next summer to see your friends and to make new ones! Would you like to enrich your sailing skills and reach ahead in your logbook?
If yes, then this program is for you!
This Winter 2025 Tall Ships Adventure is providing a fun and engaging opportunity to further develop skills learned during the summer sailing season. From logbook lessons to hands-on experience, there is something new for everyone to learn!
All lessons & and workshops are planned will be in person in Ottawa.
We're happy to offer participants the chance to take unique courses that give them valuable seamanship skills.
Having these skills, and getting this unique experience prepares students for the Transport Canada qualifications required of a professional crew! Specific skills, topics and certifications that will be covered include:
• Advanced Marine First Aid certification
• Radio Operator License (ROM-M)
• Chart work and navigation training
• Collision regulations (or how to avoid collisions!)
• Skills needed to acquire your PCOC
• Food and Nutrition
Students also develop problem-solving and analytical skills, work on planning, setting, and achieving goals, as well as developing character, a sense of self, and how to be a contributing member of a dynamic team.
The is open to Bytown Brigantine Inc trainee's. Program run Saturday Jan-April (two weekend a month). Program fees 350$ plus HST (includes registration fees for Duke Of Ed. Award. Additional Cost for third party certificates e.g. Marine First Aid will be paid directly to the instructors.
2025 Winter Program
Final date to register January January 3, 2025. Open to BBI trainee's. For more information email registrar@tallshipsadventure.org. The location will be at our BBI office. 2700 Queensview Dr, Ottawa, ON K2B 8H6.
