On Black Jack
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Different day to day ship duties such as galley clean up will also be done with your watch. If your watch cleans up after dinner, you will be relieved from this task the following night. Each watch has a watch leader and /or an assistant watch leader to show you what to do and how the daily routine is followed.

Black Jack operates on a similar watch system to that of Fair Jeanne. One watch is named "Green Watch" and the other "Red Watch". You and all the members of your watch will rotate through activities and duties and by the end of your voyage, you will have stood watch at least once. Being "on watch" means that you and your watch are on deck setting and dousing sails as well as maintaining the wellbeing of the ship while underway. This is a great and challenging experience. It builds teamwork, leadership skills and trust for other members of the Black Jack crew.

Wakeups. Definitely one of the hardest tasks of the day for most of our trainees.
Breakfast. It's time to make your way to the wardroom and enjoy the delicious breakfast our cook has provided.
Colours. This is where the entire ship's company musters on the aft deck and the captain will provide a quick rundown on how the day will unfold as well as address any questions.
Happy Hour! It's time to get to our cleaning stations with our watch and get to work. Cleaning duties include: cleaning up after breakfast, giving the deck a quick scrub, making our bunks, etc.
It's time to get those sails set. This is where we also may have some island games and small boat sailing.
Lunchtime! If we are docked for the day, this might be when we go exploring and play games.
Potential swim call. We try to get some swimming in every day. This might be the time where we anchor or heave to and go for a quick dip.
Dinner...finally. After a long day of sailing and fun, it's time to eat! If the boat is no longer underway, the entire ship's company will eat together and have what we call a "mug up". This is where everyone east together and enjoys each other's company through stories and jokes.
Campfire and smores! This is where instruments are brought out and campfire stories are shared. If the trainees are up for it, we may also play a game of manhunt in the forest. This is many of the Black Jack trainees' favourite part of the day.